Rapid Prototyping
Our rapid prototyping ranges from a simple hammer to water jetting stainless steel. Almost anything is possible at CREATE AAU
Learning by doing
The workshop team urges every student to CREATE for themselves, however if you need help, we are here to assist.
Please note, that facilities are available to students related to educations IN the building: CREATE
To help everyone better, you can now find videoguides of many tools/machines:
Guide for EuroLaser (Biggest Laser): Link to video
Guide for Epilog (Small laser): Link to video
The workshop team is a team with many years of experience in building, contruction, designing and many many other skills.
The current team members are: Poul, Jens, Peter & (parttime) Nick

Working hours
Monday – Friday: 8.00 – 15.00
Lasercutters are open 24/7 on weekdays and closed during the weekend
Wood workshop is open 24/7 on weekdays and closed during the weekend
From mid May to July 1st, and mid november to 20th of december both lasercutters and the woodworkshop is open during weekends also.
Rendsburggade 14, DK-9000 Aalborg
Social Media