Accurate and fast using all ceramic materials. Ceramic 3d printer open and accessible on three sides to interact during the prints. With Delta WASP 40100 Clay is possible to print directly on the floor or on a printing surface removable steel. You can also continue printing without waiting for the piece to dry and simply by moving the printer.
The Clay printer can be utilized when enrolled in a course that makes use of the weblab.
Usually the printer is being opreated by Jens. However in courses that makes great use of the printer, you’ll get introduced so you can start prints yourself.
Printing is the quick part of using it. Cleaning is mandatory, and you will have to accomodate the time needed to clean the gear properly.
Who to contact to use the lab:
If you are a student of Architecture, Design & Medialogy department please contact: Jens Munk Clemmensen
jcme@create.aau.dk | +45 93562400
If you are a student of the Humanistics department please contact: Thomas Kristiensen
thk@hum.aau.dk | +45 99403186
Here is an example on how to combine: Silicone, 3D Print, and polyurethane rubber.
All parts, that you can make here at CREATE FABLAB
Ask us for help on how to.